:all my bad тhoughтs

Do you feel sometimes sad or in a bad mood? I just publish status update: happy life? – hell yea, only if u’re stupid! .. and I really mean it!

A lot of people nowadays are running all over to fix their agenda, to pay their bills, to collect money for holiday etc.. is this happiness? Is this all about? I think before people were more aware about what life is then now. Now is only consumerism even with d contemporary art. How many times u saw in d last year how one project that becomes popular is copied by some other “conceptual artist”? That’s why we need to select and think about d art pieces before we publish or reshare them. It’s much more difficult to be sad nowadays..

Kristof Kintera – All My Bad Thoughts (2009)

:childhood connection ~



Adam Martinakis – The fragile memory of a childhood


:you think about ur childhood? where do u find ur connection? does it drive u as river trough ur heart, is it centered in ur mind? .. u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page


:untitled frames and some wind


:Carlie Trosclair, d next person on :d white blog for tonight. I have pretty interesting stuff to share, don’t know why I’ve become pretty lazy nowadays. probably because of d outdoor activities. this one reminds on this kind of activity also. open windows, frames that free d wind from you. Carlie Trosclair is an installation artist from New Orleans, Louisiana who presently works and resides in St. Louis, Missouri.

:strong emotions, right? powerful expression, abstract feelings, soft chaos. well, in most of his projects he can be defined as this.

about this piece we know [from his web site]:

Untitled (Nests, Shells, and Corners)
A house constitutes a body of images that give mankind proofs or illusions of stability. We are constantly re-imagining its reality: to distinguish all these images would be to describe the soul of the house; it would mean developing a veritable psychology of the house.
-Gaston Bachelard, “The House: from Cellar to Garret”, from The Poetics of Space

… so, what do you say? .. u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

:beautiful monsters in psychedelic reality


Definition of SOLIPSISM

: a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing; also : extreme egocentrism

Chuck Wendig‘s blog:
“Nobody sees themselves as a villain. We’re all solipsistic. We’re all the heroes of our own tales. Even villains.”

:I think this video is mind blowing. as today is HOLI huge holiday in India celebrated with a lot of colors also as d woman’s day *8th of March) also colorful, spectral ceremony that makes them feel as one with mans, this video points at being one with d nature. one organic, explosive pure connection with d inner structure, with d atoms that we build together.. contemporary sustainability , what a great art is this!. btw I think I haven’t post for a while video here and this is great opportunity for u to enjoy this master piece directed by by Andrew Thomas Huang.

SOLIPSIST is a three part psychedelic fantasy short film about otherworldly beings whose minds and bodies converge into one entity. Filled with elaborate costumes, stunning visual effects, and underwater puppets, the film is a non-narrative purely visual/audio experience designed to transport viewers through a hypnotic, dream-like experience. It consists of three parts, each featuring visually fantastic characters and creatures that converge with each other in surreal ways. The film concludes by featuring all three segments combine into a colorful, psychedelic finale.


are we all colorful dust, molecules of feelings, u decide..


:u think is amazing? .. after this video I think that finally there is result that shows to Us that there will be good future in d contemporary art. this signature is just d way in which I hope that d arts will evolve. the philosophy, idea, level of wisdom, energy, interaction, theatrical challenge, all elements that are involved. if I just start to analyze them one by one I’ll already make some structure of d future of arts with this powerful expression. let’s get PSYchedelic. ..u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

.d dark Ghost(s) [meditative edition]


:I don’t know do u remember those sculpture of Japaneses/ China soldiers.. old ceramic but thousand of them. here we don’t have thousands of them but those that we have are bringing d message pretty strong. cold installation, weird sculptures, ghosts… but bit scary.  Ghost – Kader Attia or dark bodies covered with aluminum clothes, are those d humans that are preparing themselves for global warming? Stimulative from one side but deep and philosophical from other. what are these ghosts hiding, why are they meditating, are they praying or what?



?what do u say? is i bit strange for u too, it makes u think, it brings some unique emotions while u watch them. they don’t look like ghosts for me, but still there is maybe that hidden information why so freezingly peaceful . .. u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page