:in d clouds [vol.II]



.and when we start speaking about clouds, my dear friend @Ponor share on her profile today one great project, piece that reminds me of other work of art connect with glass and similar way of expression.

:d text that I share linear here is from d fb page of d Art-agency “The July 16”

Don`t you forget about clouds.
Most visited at The Armory Show 2012 installation of Leandro Erlich ‘La Vitrina Cloud Collection’. Made out of wood, glass, acrylic and solid surface it displays, diorama-like, different clouds of London.


:u like clouds? I’m pretty addicted to them as inspiration and not so rare use them in my poetry, stories, art in general.. . u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

:in d clouds

.as I’m all day in d clouds and d night just start there are d clouds again, but pretty dark and without stars it’s good to remind myself of d clouds from today. (before d rain)

.nice name for a project like this. for me most of d projects/ arts that work on this topic are basically great. I like d inspiration that everyone of us sees in d clouds. there’s gonna be some posting tonight. enjoy ~

IFP, Promised Land, 1992 Ensemble de 10 caisson lumineux aluminium, tubes fluorescent, duratrans, méthacrylate — 72 × 96 × 18 cm chacun


.. . u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

.ambiental night, golden clouds


.it’s starting to be late in this corner of d world. Is 5 am and d new day will start very soon. I have this quiet mood and this installation so called Cloud – Ted Lott is just perfect. atmospheric light and cloud that is really levitating (for my eyes).

great project!



. .. u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

Be obscure clearly. — E.B. White

.are u in d clouds?!



:I imagine big white room full with this clouds, not only one, I want whole sky with this soft pure clouds. Perrine Lievens shows as example from our dreams, how many times have u wish to touch d clouds while u’re up there in d sky, flying somewhere? Me..? every time when I see clouds I start dreaming.. hope u do d same!



:btw this piece is called Temps Couvert; Analogue overlay under diasec
 but if u make small research u’ll learned that she exhibit all around and is Paris based contemporary artist. Lievens works with objects that we know from our familiar surroundings. By sculpturally reworking the objects and reinterpreting their function, she questions established patterns of perception and forces us to rethink the use and function of the objects; they appear to have acquired an additional poetic dimension.


..see some other pieces from her ~


!open ur window and grab cloud for ur room, hope u like d idea(s). ..u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

:crystal clouds or d great #installation .Floe’

Since I remember myself clouds have been one of d biggest inspiration for me. When I start drawing illustrations with wooden colors d clouds were d first thing that pop out on my paper. After I start doin’ d street art & graffiti d clouds were my background for most of d letters_ ‘word graffiti I have done. ..even in my poetry there are different stories and scenes where I use d clouds as motive or inspiration.

I’ve done some #art installation.s and scene designs where I used cotton to improvise forms that associate with clouds and give d metaphor for that cloudy atmosphere in d environment.

Floe (installation view, Samstag Museum) 2009

Domestic crystal glassware, woven nylon thread, 410 x 450 x 180cm

This what we see in this series of photography is amazing light installation from Nicholas Folland. Nicholas Folland is a restless artist who is currently holidaying in his birthplace, Adelaide. He is a Samstag Scholar who studied within the research program at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam and the University of Barcelona, completing a Masters Degree at The University of Sydney in 2009. He has lived and worked in Australia and Europe, and examples of his practice are held in the collections of the National Gallery of Victoria, Art Gallery of South Australia and the Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, as well as University and Regional Galleries and private collections internationally.

Floe (installation view, Samstag Museum) 2009

He also shows with Ryan Renshaw Gallery in Brisbane and Karen Woodbury Gallery in Melbourne. Recent highlights for Nicholas include completing his Masters in Visual Arts from the University of Sydney last year. In 2004 he achieved national recognition with his inclusion in Australian Culture Now at the National Gallery of Victoria.


The Adelaide-born artist hunts down chandeliers where he can find them – op shops, garage sales, and even eBay – to create these staggering installations. Sometimes older pieces aren’t in the best condition, so he rebuilds the lights (but, despite this tinkering, still counts these as “found objects”).

. ..anyway, whatever he use to make his masterpieces he use like first amazing concept and great way to express sometimes even surreal theatrical situations and scenes. If you want to see more from his works u can check his personal page [ Nicholas Folland ] or just google it there are a lot of articles about him 🙂