:colorful prodigy



I will for sure write something about this girl, this genius, gorgeous kid, wonder kid! She is just 5 and she is preparing for her exhibition, yet this is her second one! Reincarnated Pollock, maybe, who knows?! 🙂

She is so free and unlimited in her ideas, so d observer can be just amazed by her works, combination of colors, expressions, topics and elements that she combines.

This what I share here is d promotional video if I can express myself as that, film in which we can almost feel d vibration that this creative spirit share with d canvases in her atelier. Looking forward to see more from this girl!


This is a film highlighting the abstract child painter, Aelta Andre, at work in her studio. Aelita Andre: A Secret Universe / a solo exhibition at Agora Gallery is scheduled from June 12th to July 3rd, 2012.

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.light in d trees


:Barry Underwood – Trace, 2008

:I just like d colors of this project, d photography is also great. to bad that sometimes they just promote d project not d photographer that make this art piece historical for this virtual era. nowadays very often we miss good projects from around d world only because they are not pictured good or they are not photographed at all. enjoy! ~


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