.u’re #tree within a tree

:have u ask urself if there is life inside an old tree? me not. till today. therefore, what better way to appreciate nature and d wonders of life than with a simply amazing art sculpture like this? 🙂


I just saw this amazing work from d Italian artist Giuseppe Penone who tries to get at d core of d trunk and there, as in a hidden universe to reveal d babe, d ancient beginning of d life of a tree.

.this amazing work is part of his exhibition “The Hidden Life Within“ (2012) for which he come up with d piece, he took a massive tree trunk and carved it away, ring by ring, to show off d tree’s earliest self.


Tree of 12 Metres was made by scraping away the wood from a felled tree, which had first been roughly sawn into a beam, to reveal its internal structure of narrow core and developing branches. Penone’s aim was to return the tree to the form it had had at an earlier stage of its growth, making visible natural processes which are normally hidden.

.d result is remarkable, showing off where d larger tree came from, and how it changed with years of growth. this idea brings us back to d essence, d very foundation of our growth, our connection with nature, our consciousness that in each of us lies fragile, gentle soul piece that keep us protected from d external influences.

amazing, isn’t it? do u like it? :u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

.d textile baobab

.it’s funny how fast this organic, recycled, urban street art is developing. It was maybe few years ago when banksy started being popular and this street arts start showing around.

this what we see here is piece of art that reminds of a baobab tree. it’s colorful but clean as idea. inventive and not typical for d place where is set. u like it?

A textile tree




.light in d trees


:Barry Underwood – Trace, 2008

:I just like d colors of this project, d photography is also great. to bad that sometimes they just promote d project not d photographer that make this art piece historical for this virtual era. nowadays very often we miss good projects from around d world only because they are not pictured good or they are not photographed at all. enjoy! ~


.. u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

.let’s start flying. mmxii here we cOme ~

:well, now this is really called white blogging. only one hour after d celebration of d lovely 2o12 that I just hope that will be a good year I start with my blogging. maybe I’ll become more regular blogger or maybe is just because I didn’t went anywhere to get drunk only cause d whole world celebrates. yes, here is o1:26 am and I’m home enjoying d beauty of d snowing outside, some random movie on d TV and music for my pleasure 🙂

.this what will show to us is kind of d ‘d new year green light angles’ that is smt between woman body & tree but also reminds to an angel & very subtle brings inside line, touch of d euphoria. just a little ..

happy new year friends,

:Jana Sterbak

:Jana Sterbak