:more then one black balloon [twO]

I just love balloOns, especially if they are black :)

:if u want to see other project with balloons check d shortly #contemporary tab on my blog and this what we see here is playin’ with d gravity. What is what, what is first, then what is where? .. is it right? What’s d catch here? why this up, this down etc..

Think about in meanwhile, Bonsoir Paris & Davina Muller & Jules Cairon are working on some other projects/ pieces now.. if u’re interested search for their tumblr page 😉

don’t forget! u can leave ur comments below or on :d white b[l]og ::: #facebook page

1 thought on “:more then one black balloon [twO]

  1. Pingback: .time for chocolate!..melting :wooden #sculpture | :d white b[l]og

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